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Images of the Sea and Clouds

“The Sea” a simple and basic composition with great depth! Looking out at sea is an imaginary experience. Your eyes will see as far as the horizon but what will you see – do you really see everything or is there something hidden or something further away you eyes will not see.

As we travel to get to new places and new states in our lives we move along a line of experiences, feelings and motions as we get to unknown grounds. One such move for me have been quitting my day job and changing my career. I have recently started to pursue a new goal of mine – a dream you could say – to live and work as an self employed photographer and designer.

One thing is to throw years of educations overboard and a correspondant salary – it’s not easy. Also your network will crumble and you have to seek out new networks. You will lose friends that will shake their head and wait until yo get back in the fold to continue the friendship. The good thing is that some friends have shown to be real friends and kept encouraging and supported me on the way. That is great and whats keep me moving and reaching me dreams and goals in life.

Simple motivating comments, Facebook likes and comments are all part of it.

Thank you…

Martin Bay

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