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Beach huts at Blokhus, Denmark

Beach huts at Blokhus, Denmark

Black and white version of the beach huts at Blokhus beach. Usually you will see images of the huts and the beach in sun and a blue skye but I prefer to more dramatic nature of this place. I like the dramatic feel in this image and have converted the photo to black...
Beach huts at Blokhus, Denmark

Danish beach houses in a storm

This photo of the small Danish beach houses at the west coast of Denmark is one of my favourite images from this part of Denmark. I just sold a great copy for a large print through Foto Factory! You can get one too.

Beach huts at Blokhus, Denmark

Black & White Sea

Black & White photo of the North Sea on a nice and windy day. The wind is strong and the clouds are flying fast over the head of people, the waves are big and the current is strong. What a nice day to be at the sea!